45min Pow-wow (1:1)
45min chat on phone or zoom. This is perfect for parents who just want to check in for a confidence boost to ensure they are on the right track. No notes or follow up afterward (unless wanted). This can be extended to make a double booking if you need more time (90minutes) for $180.
There is currently a 2-3 week waitlist time for this service. If in this consult you decide you would like to upgrade to another package, the cost of this consult will be removed from another package option.
45min chat on phone or zoom. This is perfect for parents who just want to check in for a confidence boost to ensure they are on the right track. No notes or follow up afterward (unless wanted). This can be extended to make a double booking if you need more time (90minutes) for $180.
There is currently a 2-3 week waitlist time for this service. If in this consult you decide you would like to upgrade to another package, the cost of this consult will be removed from another package option.
45min chat on phone or zoom. This is perfect for parents who just want to check in for a confidence boost to ensure they are on the right track. No notes or follow up afterward (unless wanted). This can be extended to make a double booking if you need more time (90minutes) for $180.
There is currently a 2-3 week waitlist time for this service. If in this consult you decide you would like to upgrade to another package, the cost of this consult will be removed from another package option.